The Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) is a valued organisation within the school community, made up of parents and carers, teachers and community members. It brings everyone into close co-operation. The P&C is an efficient and effective body that makes significant contributions to our school not only in financial terms but also through physical and moral support.
Parents and citizens association responsibilites
The P&C is responsible for coordinating the following:
- School Band Program
- Uniform Shop
- Fundraising
- Canteen Service
- Tennis/Sports Court Hire
- Working Bees
- Community Events
Current parents and citizens executive committee
President - Kerry Gill
Vice President - Nicole Cheung
Treasurer - Mike Brecko
Secretary - Rebecca Shoesmith
Parents and citizens association meetings
The P&C meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.00pm in the school staffroom. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. Minutes from the last P&C meeting are available for you to download.
P&C Meeting Minutes from 14 September 2021 (455 KB)
Each year the P&C supports a number of projects that resource teaching in curriculum areas and enhance the learning environment.
To find out about the P&C Committee’s current projects and activities please refer to the school newsletter.
Supporting the parents and citizens association
You can support the P&C by:
- Attending the P&C meetings
- Volunteering at the Uniform Shop or Canteen
- Support our fundraising activities – Be involved
- Class Parent Role
- Help co-ordinate an event or assist on the day
- Help behind the scenes