North Ryde Public School

Your child's future

Telephone02 9878 1673

Parents and Citizens' Association

Who are the P&C?

We are a group of parents, carers, teachers and local citizens who support our North Ryde Public School students by coordinating events, fundraising and extra activities that help our students during their years at our primary school.

What do the P&C do?

We enhance our students’ experience during their time at our school through:

Learning activities – coordinating the NRPS Bands & instruments, coordinating the Ethics program, running the Scholastic Book Club

Fundraising for school needs – e.g. purchasing PSSA uniforms, classroom supplies, readers, equipment repairs, seating

Organising student events – e.g. the school disco, special lunch events, the Colour Run, Easter Egg guessing competition, raffles, Father’s Day stall, Mother’s Day stall

Running school community events – e.g. the welcome BBQ, Tea & Tissues for Kindy parents

Providing uniforms – running the school Uniform Shop and second-hand uniform sales.

How can you be involved?

The P&C meet twice a term and run activities and events continually throughout the year.  There are many ways to become involved including taking on a P&C role for a year, by attending P&C meetings to hear about school goings-on, by being a financial P&C member ($2 annual fee) and having a say on voting matters; or by volunteering to organise or assist at school events.

The P&C would love parents and carers from all year groups and cultural backgrounds to become involved.

All P&C roles are open for nomination at the P&C Annual General Meeting in Term 4.

Your time in primary school will fly by – so why not become involved now?

Key Contacts:


Vice President:



Uniform Shop:

Or find us online via our P&C Facebook group “North Ryde Public School P&C”.