North Ryde Public School

Your child's future

Telephone02 9878 1673

Kindergarten 2026

Beginning Kindergarten is a family milestone and we look forward to sharing the experience with you. As preparation for you and your child we have many resources, information sessions and orientation mornings to ensure a smooth transition to school.


Kindergarten 2026 School Enrolment

Kindergarten 2026 Orientation Program Flyer coming soon


School Tours

School tours are by appointment only. Please contact the school office for a booking.

Term 2 

Term 3

Wednesday 30 April

Tuesday 6 May

Wednesday 14 May

Wednesday 28 May

Tuesday 10 June

Wednesday 25 June

Wednesday 23 July

Tuesday 5 August

Wednesday 20 August

Tuesday 2 September

Wednesday 17 September


Useful information

We have developed an information booklet about starting school for parents. The booklet contains information on how to prepare your child, what you need to enrol, age considerations along with other relevant information.

We also have a School information booklet available for you to download.

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